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"What if we can make people around us happy?!
What if what we wear, defines us, and the spirit around us?!" 

Welcome to Narrow Road!! So glad you came! I'm Ryelee, I started Narrow Road threads+co with a passion to change the way people think, and to share the gospel of truth.

Getting caught up in the day-to-day grind makes it easy to overlook the beauty and joy God has given around us, with simple sayings, quotes, or even better; verses, it can cheer you up!! Or make you think?! Like "why wish upon a star when you can pray to the one who made them all?" I have always loved words like these, ones that give you that "aha" moment, or puts a smile on your face. What if we can make people around us happy?! What if what we wear defines us and the spirit around us?!  "A joyful heart is good medicine" (Proverbs 17:22) With Narrow Road, we make this possible. 

It all started with a trip to pick up some axels... true story; one night I was doodling... "be the moon, reflect the SON" I wrote on a paper, with a half moon and half sun, the idea is for us to reflect Our Savior. I've always wanted to start a t-shirt business, I've always had passion for our Lord and wanted to share it with others in a way they can wear they're faith and maybe make someone around them smile:). So anyway, the next day I went to Helena with my sister and dad to pick up some new axels for my scout 80 were building. We live about four and a half hours away from there so I had lots of time on my hands... so I decided to just play around with some tee ideas, I mean, why not!? So on our way back from Helena I knocked out a couple designs, 15 to be exact. A thought become a reality, if not now, then when?! Am I right?! Lots and lots of research later, I came across the perfect company to print tees, in sunny Flordia, praise the Lord!! Now I create all my own designs from scratch and get the shirts printed right here in America and ship from the great North Idaho with love❤️. I hope these tees make. a difference in your life as they have in mine, thank you and God bless!! 

A shout out to my amazing dad and mom for making this dream come true, to my awesome family and friends for helping with photos, to Sunday Cool for printing the sweet shirts, and to all the outstanding people who have encouraged me along the way, thank you all!!
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